I've been bumping into a lot of statements that ridicule the existence of Nokia phones lately. Let it be in person or even on the Internet. All acclaims to iPhone and Android, while everyone hates and finds some way to criticise Nokia.
I agree, Nokia smartphones ain't that smart! I agree, they don't provide you with the "Awesome" apps! I agree they seem dumb and old-fashioned! I agree they don't bring you the style-quotient you appeal for!
But should we forget they existed when none of the so-called new generation phones did? What happened to all those phones they provided that seemed a luxury in your hands? Especially when you had the freedom of portability of a miniature hand-held phone, playing Snake (after Pac Man) everywhere you go! Where did all those days go when you got "connected" to people and now you want to make your life simple?
Where did all those days go when being around grandparents was a privilege to learn and experience rather than crib over their annoying old age? What happened to those old folks whose hands we held on to like a blessing rather than a curse of being the walking support? Why did we forget them in the Old-Age homes and far away lands when, we, the so-called new generation, don't appreciate what they've left behind after years of toil and sweat?
I've never seen my grandparents, never been with them! I don't know how it is to be around them, either. All I know is they were some beautiful set of people God created. They are one big reason I exist. I try finding them in the stars and I know they look down upon me from heavens above. They know me ever since I took the shape of existence. I owe them my life, I owe them my all!
Even if I use a Nokia phone I don't crib over its inefficiencies because it's at least taught me to respect my elders, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown!