There are times when you are really confused over a lot of issues in life where you have no idea what you might stumble on. And to add to the misery, there are a lot of unwanted but overly-attached people in your lives who insist you do things their way. Not all are wrong, but most of them get irritated when you don't take up quick decisions. Now the suggestions may not be that appealing to you, thus obstructing the people who selflessly overload you with them. That's when you get paranoid and stop trusting everyone around you. You build a huge concrete wall, with no doors, not letting anyone new get in and not letting anyone escape it, too.
I found myself there, in that position, struggling to breathe, running away from everyone I knew, just because I was scared to be used, ditched and thrown away into the remotest social garbage dump, never to be found again. Then came a friend (I prefer to keep the name as Agent X), who insisted I push myself into the crowd, not bothering whatever people have to say. It did take time, but it was worth the try. Now Agent X is one person I turn to whenever I need to be annoyed and irked (yes, I said that, from the bottom of my heart) and of course, to be there to advise me for all my crazy problems.
Now I notice, Agent X is not the only person in my life, there are a hell lot of beautiful people in my life I know who love me for the way I am, who can do anything to make me smile and, most importantly, are the cutest angels in guise of devils. I may not have time for you now, but that wouldn't mean I don't remember you anymore. I'm not saturated, yet. Keep inspiring me in whatever you do. Make your presence felt in my life. I love you as you are - strange, weird, loving, affectionate, wonderful, amazing, betraying, quiet, reserved, but the best of all, as crazy as I am.
Happy Friendship's Day to all the angels and demons in my life. Whatever you do, I do CARE!!