Tuesday, 25 December 2012

My 21st Birthday Gyaan

It's the time of the year I keep anticipating with every passing minute, when will the days go by; when will I hit the shops and the parlour for a makeover; when will I get all the attention and call it a day, My Day! And so, it's here! It's my Birthday - just the same feeling everyone around the world waits for, as much as you deny. And when the day nears by, you feel old. You start feeling desperate, desperate enough to try pushing it away, to another month or so, just to remain younger, to evade all the responsibilities of the world you may be burdened with. But who can stop the forces of the nature to erupt and bloom the way they should be. And then you are, suddenly, a year older, a year wiser, and a year grateful to have lived so far, a year wishful waiting more fun, more love and more of everything you ever had.
And so to sum it all up, I've come up with the 21 lessons I've learned in my life. Inspire. Influence. Illuminate.
  1. Whoever you are, whatever you may be, YOU are the most important entity ever existing, not for others but for yourself. Love yourself more than anyone else, unconditionally, dearly. You are not selfish, but confident!
  2. Live today like you'll die tomorrow. Don't wait for things to happen but make things happen. This is neither from any book nor from the Internet, rather from the heart. Because it's your heart that decides what you actually want while your head places other options, confusing you all the while.
  3. NO ONE in this world is born ugly. It's the situations they encounter in their lives that mould them to what they are. Go deep within, you'll definitely find a reason to love them. Everyone's compatible to you and vice-versa.
  4. LOVE is not a huge word, HATE is! So remember where you pronounce it.
  5. "Money may not buy you happiness, but it definitely satisfies your thirst, unquenchable by human emotions". Your parents would never have thought of the monetary benefits you would place before them someday when they conceived you. So forget about the statement above and live for humanity, rather than moneymaking!
  6. Go with the flow of nature, but once in a while STOP - TURN AROUND - WALK BACK - REBEL! Not because you are different or unique, but just for fun, damn it!
  7. PAIN KILLS PAIN - NO NEVER! Stop over-reacting, like you are the last soul who has to bear all! Start honing the more creative side of you, be it for yourself or others! Just do what you love and JUST DO IT!
  8. The more you are tempted to do something, the more you are drawn towards it! Toss a coin! You'll know what you are supposed to do. As Simple As It Should Be!
  9. The moments you laugh or the moments you cry should be termed as "MEMORIES" and nothing else. Because these are the memories that'd give you the extra dose of laughter for being stupid, crazy and madly dumb!
  10. You are a STRONG person even if you have a longer list of weaknesses; because they are only read by others to term you weak and not by yourself. So learn to metamorphose them into something stunning leaving everyone speechless.
  11. Patience! That's the word, my friend! Spell it out, loud and clear!
  12. Being pleasant is not a virtue to some idiots on earth sent to find ways to destroy every reason to your existence. Chill, you are not born to please the world! The world was created to please you!
  13. Stop regretting. Start appreciating. That's the key to life. Every decision in life teaches you something vital, and that is, to LIVE!
  14. You want to cry. You really want to cry. You really, really want to cry? Okay. Cry! It doesn't hurt - neither your eyes nor your health. Just let it go, just let it flow!
  15. You can’t, no no just CANNOT change the world. Look at you! Just a little thing and the world is such a big place serving every minute creature like you. Be what you want the world to be. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's how you bring change. That's how the world's going to be a better place to live in.
  16. The littlest trait is what surprises you the most, and that's why it brings you the most joy! It's not how you see it, but how you feel it that makes it more worthwhile.
  17. Never try your level best to gain the limelight. You are just wasting your energy over unwanted and unnecessary things that's going to do no good to you than those that you gain by staying out and creating your own limelight, away and better!
  18. It's NOW or it's NEVER. And if it's none of them, then it's FOREVER.
  19. You will be let down, always, every time. You will face a lot of defeats, always, every time. But stay focused, because that's what annoys everyone around. Be yourself, that's what irks everyone.
  20. You never HATE anyone, you just DISLIKE people, because you are either jealous of what they possess or selfish to share what you possess. It all arises out of INSECURITY!
  21. Lastly, it doesn't matter what you wear and what you don't. Without a SMILE, you are just nothing!

Start knowing yourself, that's the hardest job you could ever take up. Start loving yourself, that's the simplest gift you could give yourself. And most importantly, be aware and alert of what you do, that's how you INSPIRE INFLUENCE ILLUMINATE!

Savaged from my erstwhile blog http://inspireinfluenceilluminate.wordpress.com/ 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Seen & The Unseen, The Known & The Unknown

I've been bumping into a lot of statements that ridicule the existence of Nokia phones lately. Let it be in person or even on the Internet. All acclaims to iPhone and Android, while everyone hates and finds some way to criticise Nokia.
I agree, Nokia smartphones ain't that smart! I agree, they don't provide you with the "Awesome" apps! I agree they seem dumb and old-fashioned! I agree they don't bring you the style-quotient you appeal for!
But should we forget they existed when none of the so-called new generation phones did? What happened to all those phones they provided that seemed a luxury in your hands? Especially when you had the freedom of portability of a miniature hand-held phone, playing Snake (after Pac Man) everywhere you go! Where did all those days go when you got "connected" to people and now you want to make your life simple?
Where did all those days go when being around grandparents was a privilege to learn and experience rather than crib over their annoying old age? What happened to those old folks whose hands we held on to like a blessing rather than a curse of being the walking support? Why did we forget them in the Old-Age homes and far away lands when, we, the so-called new generation, don't appreciate what they've left behind after years of toil and sweat?
I've never seen my grandparents, never been with them! I don't know how it is to be around them, either. All I know is they were some beautiful set of people God created. They are one big reason I exist. I try finding them in the stars and I know they look down upon me from heavens above. They know me ever since I took the shape of existence. I owe them my life, I owe them my all!
Even if I use a Nokia phone I don't crib over its inefficiencies because it's at least taught me to respect my elders, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Sparkling Rays - A Sequel to Starry Night

Shower of sparkling rays
On my dreamy face
Tear-smudged, messy hair
Wishing you were there.

Lost in your embrace
Bewildered by your gaze
Dumb-struck I stand
When I feel you by my hand.

Do I laugh? Do I cry?
Seeing you sitting by
Pinching myself to believe
Till I can relieve.

Starry nights without you
Now I breathe all new
The shower of sparkling rays
Amazing me through the haze!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Starry Night

All alone on a starry night, was I
Not like I had none before
Longing for your arms around, was I
Waiting for you at the door.

My heart said it was hard
To learn that you left me
And then fell apart
Broken in anguish to be.

Love, it was, never a joke
Being with you was better than dope
Now I'm made to carry this yoke
All in vain and no hope.

All alone on a starry night, again
I stand - wiping my tears - bold
Your love shall I never regain
Your hands shall I never hold.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Like I Care - Angels and DEVILS

There are times when you are really confused over a lot of issues in life where you have no idea what you might stumble on. And to add to the misery, there are a lot of unwanted but overly-attached people in your lives who insist you do things their way. Not all are wrong, but most of them get irritated when you don't take up quick decisions. Now the suggestions may not be that appealing to you, thus obstructing the people who selflessly overload you with them. That's when you get paranoid and stop trusting everyone around you. You build a huge concrete wall, with no doors, not letting anyone new get in and not letting anyone escape it, too.

I found myself there, in that position, struggling to breathe, running away from everyone I knew, just because I was scared to be used, ditched and thrown away into the remotest social garbage dump, never to be found again. Then came a friend (I prefer to keep the name as Agent X), who insisted I push myself into the crowd, not bothering whatever people have to say. It did take time, but it was worth the try. Now Agent X is one person I turn to whenever I need to be annoyed and irked (yes, I said that, from the bottom of my heart) and of course, to be there to advise me for all my crazy problems.

Now I notice, Agent X is not the only person in my life, there are a hell lot of beautiful people in my life I know who love me for the way I am, who can do anything to make me smile and, most importantly, are the cutest angels in guise of devils. I may not have time for you now, but that wouldn't mean I don't remember you anymore. I'm not saturated, yet. Keep inspiring me in whatever you do. Make your presence felt in my life. I love you as you are - strange, weird, loving, affectionate, wonderful, amazing, betraying, quiet, reserved, but the best of all, as crazy as I am.

Happy Friendship's Day to all the angels and demons in my life. Whatever you do, I do CARE!! 

Friday, 6 July 2012

My Heart

You are there

Around the corner

Peeping through bars

Crying for your freedom

Right under the bulb half alive

Between two old pink turned grey sacs of dust

Above a lavish bag of filth

You ask for more, though

Around the corner

Where you are

Smallest of all.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Sometimes we read
Sometimes we listen
Sometimes we see
Sometimes we recall

Sometimes it's just the person next door
Sometimes it's a random person down the street
Sometimes it's a long lost friend
Sometimes it's the one we hate the most

Sometimes in the cold mornings
Sometimes in the warm nights
Sometimes in you
Sometimes in me

Sometimes for seconds
Sometimes for an eternity

To be inspired, it doesn't take long
To learn from it, sure does.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Dabboo's Jolly Ride

Just when I started thinking the day was going to be dull and boring as always, my sister reminded me that we were supposed to take our dog for her yearly vaccine. Fine, something pushing me out of the house today. So we got all ready and got out to go, put the dog lash for Dabboo who was all excited to go out for a walk (she hardly knew this was a looooong loooong Jolly Ride instead). 

A few steps from home, we found an auto who insisted for a flat 100 bucks just for a ride which would take not even half of the amount. Well, like I'm going to spare him. I haggled and finally concluded since we are taking a dog I'd pay him 20 bucks more. So there we (me, mom and Dabboo) set out on the auto while my sister had already gone half way by her scooty (she loves it >.<). Dabboo loved the ride on the auto, believe me, though I had to hold her real tight just so scared she might jump off the auto. Now for those of you who know nothing about my dog aka my Dabboo - she is the most untrained but the friendliest Labrador Retriever ever. Anyways, so Dabboo was enjoying every bit of the beautiful weather of Bangalore as well as the "Cars" that passed by. I wish I could understand more of her doggie language and feelings so I could tell you through her words. But all I could comprehend was that she loved the cool breeze, counted the number of cars on the road that passed us and was over-excited. 

Now, when we reached the hospital, Dabboo remembered the place she visited a year ago, faintly. All the pain came back like a flash of agony through her eyes. She whined and yelped to go back but when she understood that she had to undergo the same she got really restless, walking around not knowing what to do. She didn't let the doctor check the weight nor her temperature. She just sat up on the pedestal type of steel platform salivating vigorously, sniffing to find way to jump off the place she sat upon. Then the doctor filled two syringes full with vaccine and my eyes popped out seeing two painful injections into my baby. I, myself, do so much drama when I have to bear those needles going through my skin, how would a mute creature bear it all? And, two? I turned to my sister and gave her an "OMG" expression, she had the same too. Next what happened was the worst ever. We had to hold an overly-aggressive dog, so what did the doctor think of? Yes, tie her mouth so tight that it wouldn't open. We agreed as it would not allow her to bite us. But that idiot tied it with her tongue stuck between her teeth in the front and he said "Yenu agalla" ("Nothing's going to happen") so sternly and ruthlessly. But still when the doctor injected the first vaccine, Dabboo agitated and tried pushing away the needle. Then the needle went through. We held her real hard so that she doesn't move. And when the needle went in completely, Dabboo gave me that one look of "Why did you do this to me when all I gave you was my love, love and all love? Why did you let some idiot hurt me so bad?" - that broke my heart into a million pieces for letting her take up all that bitter pain. She started palpitating with foams coming off her mouth. And she quietly took in the second injection. She didn't agitate nor push the needle away. But just kept looking at me the same way and that's when I wanted to cry a million tears. 

The injections were done leaving Dabboo palpitating and salivating out of pain and fear. I took her out right then and we found another auto to go home. But this time, even before I ask the auto guy if he'd come Dabboo was already into the auto. The auto guy had to agree then. This time, on the way back, Dabboo was much sober than she was earlier. She lied down flat and watched the slight drizzle fall on her and the awesomely cool breeze blow on her face. She enjoyed it utterly. We knew. She loved the jolly ride on the auto as well as when people saw her and kids tried gaining her attention. Most of all, I felt proud when people around said "Such a pretty dog she is", just like my own baby girl (Yes the first thing I did was to put a black spot on her when I got back home keeping away bad sights).

When we got back home, all tired, we found Dabboo under the sofa, completely quiet and sleepy. Yes, she was tired, but most of all, the horrifying pain she underwent made her stay calm, probably. Well, it was a day to remember and Goodness me, it's going to come back every year. I just hope we learn how to train ever-willing-to-learn Dabboo how to stay calm and imagine that the needle going through is just like an ant-sting, just what mom says whenever I have to take one. I know it's really hard, but we've got 365 days more for all that. 

Sunday, 17 June 2012

My Daddy Strongest!!!

I dream of a day
Like the one I had before
In your arms I play
And cry for more.
Then gently go to sleep
Always by your chest
Wondering how do I peep
In the morning from my cradle best.
Still dreaming of those eyes
Of love and hopes ahead,
Sculpting a future that lies
Of the riches the world has said.
"To the one who would be identified,
By my name to you
She would bring to me, pride
Like leaves sparkling with dew."
I dream of a day,
The same weary eyes
Overjoyed they'll say
"How much ever she tries
To be bigger, bolder
She'll still remain my baby girl never older!"

Today's blog is dedicated to the first man in my life, my first love, and the one who sets a high standard for all other men I meet to be compared to and obviously no one stands up to the required expectations. My dad's not a great man for the world but for mine he is. He is the one who taught me that not only are the clouds in the sky painted and created in subtle perfection but so are the beings on earth and especially me. All we have to do is retain and nourish the talents within us so we stand respectable, sincere and honest and are answerable to the Almighty for our deeds at the end of the day.

My dad's not my role model but he is definitely the one who has inspired me the most throughout my life teaching me new things every other day. As a matter of fact, the first song ever I learned was from him. We still sing those and many others. Even if we fight like cats and dogs when together, we chant exaggerated songs of praise and acclaims for each other when we are not around each other. Probably that's what makes our relationship so special other than being closely identical in physical features.

For all of us who don't want to be associated with our fathers, remember he is the reason for our existence on earth today. He is equally responsible and important for every single breath we take as is a mother.

Love your dad 
--> for he is growing older, 
--> for he is acting funny and childish, 
--> for he had borne all your tantrums the same way when you were a kid, 
--> for he had been fulfilling and still does fulfill all your requirements as and when they arise, and especially, 
--> for he is your Father the reason for your existence!!

Happy Father's Day to all the Awesome Superman Dads around !! :) :)

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Bow Wow --> Be My Friend, Will You??

How difficult is it to show love to another dog right in front of your own? How difficult is it to make your pooch understand that she would be loved forever like always no matter whichever animal or creature comes in between? Ummm ask me, it's really difficult unless your dog is a really understanding one. Well, I was in a similar situation lately and after it all I felt the urge of blogging about it too.

My sister's friend and her husband had to go out of town for a day and so asked us if we could take care of their dog which happens to be a 7 month old Pocket-Pomeranian(I'd like to call her PP for now). We readily agreed since I was really fond of her :) But obviously we had only one thing troubling us and that was - how are the 2 dogs going to take up the feeling of each other's close proximity? Dog Lovers out there and everyone else who know about dogs would know why that is important. 

The day finally came when PP was coming home and so I instructed Dabboo (my pretty little 1 and a half year old female Yellow Labrador Retriever) that she is supposed to behave when the guest arrives. Now, Labs are really friendly dogs, be it with humans or even other dogs (check this Animal Planet video to find out more  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cj81wHmfXc). PP comes like a princess and Dabboo goes around sniffing her to get to know her. One growl, and Dabboo moves back, starts barking. Now since PP is really tiny, we thought she would not be able to fight Dabboo who is much huger than her, so we put her out. Now Dabboo sees PP licking my hand and feels threatened. She starts barking at the top of her voices. There you go Mother of Insecurity!!! That incident makes me a "Traitor" in the eyes of my ever unconditionally loving dog Dabboo, which is very very remorseful (Have pets and feel that, it's crazy). So I take her out for a walk and also do stuffs we always love doing, and i.e., sit on our favourite spot on the terrace and talk. Yes, I did talk and I do that whenever I feel low, and believe me that's the best time ever, because I cry and I know there is someone listening to me though that someone can't actually talk back to me but at least wipes my tears off placing her paws on my palms, sort of assuring me saying "Don't worry everything will be fine". Now to such a friend who is feeling sad over all this it was my turn to do the "consoling" bit. So I went on to tell her how much she means to us (especially me) and how much we'd love her more than any other pet on earth, all because she was our first :) :) And seriously, believe me, she did understand me a little. 

Dabboo was fine sleeping out near the door but PP would go get her attention and then run back to us, as in for support against the bigger bully, and in case we did give her the much-needed attention she'd back back at Dabboo with that rather cute squealing voice. Once we sisters found out it was all a intently performed ritual to show off to the other of the security and affection the pooch enjoys from its human masters, we stopped heeding to it and "minded our own business" then. The night passed out, so did the next morning.

Finally, we sisters decide to let the dogs be friends so we take them to the terrace holding our hearts in our hands (Ok now I don't know why we got so scared then to let the 2 of them open up to each other). We still wish we'd known it was not that difficult. As not actually expected they ran around the place, one after the other, and in no time became really good friends. We were glad and also relieved that we could now concentrate on our usual household chores. 

But then, sadly for the new pals, it was time to separate. It was time to say "Good Bye" with a lot of whines and barks. Well as it's always said "All is well that ends well", I went in for a 12 hour sleep after the really tiresome day. But not everything was good. The 2 friends were really sad after that. What makes me say that? They didn't play around like how they did normally, just not interested in doing anything. Maybe dogs do have feelings. They do know what it means to be in peer groups too. They do know what it means to be friends and what it means to get isolated. They do know how it feels when you don't have that one friend with whom you spent some really beautiful moments of your life. We humans feel that every now and then, right since our childhood. So this blog goes out to all my dear loving sweet close and not so close friends, the ones I know since ages and the new ones, the ones really far away and the ones who I don't see often as well as my once-upon-a-time friends, whatsoever it is 

I miss those old days 
When we had loads of fun 
Under the sun 
Not fearing what may come 
Acting really dumb
Laughing out loud till we went all numb
I miss those old days
Let's get back to our old place :) :)

Monday, 14 May 2012

Sometimes all you need is

1. A cup of coffee --> just when you feel you have no energy left :)

2. A hug from a loved one --> just when you need that reassurance that there's still hope left somewhere like a ray of light coming through the corner of the room :)

3. A crazy verbal fight --> just when you are extremely happy so you realize you've not forgotten how to cry :)

4. A walk in the solitude --> just when you are feeling low or depressed so you find yourself back :)

5. A wake up call --> just to get up and get going to work your dreams out ;) ;)

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Mother's Day

Beauty in your eyes
Love in your arms
Heaven at your feet
You are definitely the one I'd seek,
May it be in my joy or grief
Though my stay with you will be brief,
You remain with me I believe
In my heart and soul;
In making me whole
Counting every step I take
Till I'm inspired to be the one I make.

So it is the second Sunday of May again, and all of us are busy wondering what we'd do today to make it the most memorable for the most wonderful woman ever on the planet. The woman every man seeks the ultimate love from and tries searching for in his lover/wife; and the woman every lady seeks as the biggest inspiration for her to be the way she is. Yes, indeed, she's the same woman who bore you for 9 months 9 days and some times a little more or even less undergoing 57 Del of pain while giving birth which is equal to getting 20 bones fractured at the same time. I'm sure everyone reading this would already know all this and so I'm not going to stress on the same old fact of "you should love your mother because she suffered a lot of pain for you", which of course is something some of you would not agree to, perhaps because you find an evil witch in that lady instead of someone you would want to adore. 

Well, a "mother" is that creation of God who is indispensable and perfect and the only one you can turn to when you need any help. As a Jewish proverb goes, "God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers". A lot of us reading that would say "OMG so true". Almost everyone of us would make greetings, do stuffs our mothers love like get her flowers, do the household chores, cook food, bake a cake and so many other stuffs. 

She may be the simple, homely person or the extravagant, outgoing types, whatever she may be, she is a rockstar in your eyes who'd do all the complex jobs in a very simple and elegant way and place it in front of you like it was nothing at all. Ask me and I'd definitely tell you that you've not tried it out before you tell me that your mother's actually dumb. She may be naive to your new modern worldly matters but deep within she is that person who knows how to save that last rupee of your dad's income so that your future may be settled. She may have married young and foregone her education, but she'll always be the one to support you for your higher studies even if the world says you are not worth it. She holds you close to her heart and her first prayer of the day would be for her children's well being. The slightest of the cut on your hand makes her worried, and if not then she is the type of mother who sees her child as a strong individual but deep within she cries for every drop of blood falling off your body. It's easy for us today to forget all that she has done and even send her to the old age home when she seems to be a burden for your family someday. 

Whatever it may be, for me my mother is the prettiest and the most adorable lady ever born. She is someone I'd turn to not only when I'm not keeping well or feeling low but also when I'm overjoyed. She is, in fact, the first person to know the reason for my happiness at the moment. A million words are not enough to describe my mother and my love for her nor it would be vice versa. But this blog goes out for all those mothers, who like mine, are a symbol of inspiration, influence and affection in our lives but are really far from us in geographical distances.

This mother's day I ask all of you to chant a prayer for your mother and just go hug her and kiss her, which is all what will make her the happiest and feel loved and cherished for all the hard work she does all day, in case you can not get her the best gift at the stores or do something else. Believe me she doesn't even care for your efforts(like your girlfriend), instead wants you to be there for her. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom :) Keep smiling (even if I know you are really sad within) I love you a lot and always will :)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

5 things I hate about Bangalore

3 years ago, I stepped into the land of the great ruler Kempegowda, sniffing the moist air above me, my mind filled with dreams like I've finally reached the Promised Land, where I'd find new adventures, new friends, new life, especially new MYSELF. Those 3 years passed like never before and here I stand with my list of the top 5 things I dislike about the once-upon-a-time Chosen Land.

1. The first and the foremost disgrace to the beautiful land I live in is the huge traffic load. Though a lot of people come up with a lot of affirmative statements and articles of "how to find the muse in Bangalore Traffic" I still find it, in one word, ANNOYING. I don't find the honks tuning themselves, I don't find anyone smiling at each other when they find themselves being stuck up at junctions, I don't find the smoke emitted making creative clouds around, I don't enjoy the plight of being around the same place for hours n hours together. In short, I hate the Bangalore Traffic !!!!

2. I was never an environment-friendly individual, not until I spent the first half year here, when I started missing all those beautiful trees which were cut down for God-Knows-What-Development! The glory of the city, the pride of the land, all washed away bit by bit transforming it from being the Garden city to a Concrete jungle. After a lot of protests, which still continue now and then, the officials promised to plant trees, but then, once lost glory takes a lot to regain, right???

3. Trees lost = Beauty lost = Climate change. Well, it's true we can not blame it all on the trees cut but didn't we all learn once upon a time that no trees = no oxygen = more carbon compounds = increased heat?? The cool climate, the one everyone loved about the city, the reason for the increased immigration into the place, I wish it comes back someday, though I know it's going to remain as a wish never coming true.

4. The worst ever, is the road widening and the Metro constructions. The deviations you got to take while travelling, the pitfalls here and there, the road blocks, the dead-ends and the worst part, this remains for months and months over and begins right over a so-called well planned out road. And then you blame the Bangalore Traffic again and curse the traffic cops and it continues like that all over :D

5. The last but never the least, perhaps a reminder for all those who are new to Bangalore and travelling for the first time ever, DO NOT TRUST EVERYONE ON THE ROAD TO KNOW ALL THE ROADS IN BANGALORE, because all they are going to tell you is "full straight hogi, munde ondu left siggutthe, dead end right, matthe left, matthe full straight" (go full straight, take the left, dead-end right, again left, full straight). My advice GET A FULLY LOADED GPS and just because he is an auto rickshaw driver doesn't mean HE KNOWS THE WHOLE OF BANGALORE!!! 

Well, my problems are all traffic related, probably that's the worst thing ever in Bangalore. So you want to sweat it out in this city, you are welcome to tour the entire place in at least a month, however you wish to travel :) 

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Exams ko maaro goli, when IPL is Holy!!

Well, all the students would definitely blame the Universities and Boards to time the exams in such an auspicious season like the IPL season. Be it the favourite players, regional teams or the sexy cheerleaders, every cricket-enthusiast and non-enthusiast would find some or the other reason to watch the match. That probably answers the question of why there are more than 400000 tweets at #ipl only after a week of the season. That's not it, major sponsoring brands have brought out exclusive strategies like Volkswagen Vento and Polo with live match displays, Mystery chips flavours by Lays Chips, etc.
With the big brands pitching in and the people multitasking, IPL has definitely brought in the much needed break through the stress and monotony. But I'm sure it'll all remain till your regional team exists in the game. Till then, cheer the teams and increase the Set Max's TRP :D

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Angry Birds

Who doesn’t like playing Angry Birds – the game that swept the gaming industry in December 2009? Rovio, the Finnish developer company, developed the game for Apple’s iOS. Since then, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple’s App Stores, prompting the company to design versions of the game for similar touch based smartphones.
The game is primarily inspired by a sketch of stylized wingless birds that are launched at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with intent to destroying all the pigs in the playfield. As players advance the game, new birds appear with special abilities that can be activated by the player.
The game begins with the basic Red Bird which can easily break through glass material and can shatter wooden material; there’s nothing special about this bird. The Blue Bird is small and is also known as Replicate Bird as it replicates into 3 similar blue birds which scatter like a shot of a shotgun when once clicked after the launch; this bird is usually used to break through glass material. The next bird, my most favourite one, is the Yellow Bird which when clicked after the launch pierces through wooden material with a force of a lightning dash. The next bird is the Black Bomb bird; as the name suggests this fat round bird destroys the walls and other material in a bomb explosion state. Next in the game level is the White Bomb-Egg Laying Bird which wrecks the materials with its bomb egg and gets diffused itself; also known as Pelican bird or Egg bird. The Green Bird or Toucan Bird or Boomerang Bird is the next on the list which acts as a boomerang in mid air by swapping directions once launched. The most powerful bird when it comes to physical strength is the Big Brother Bird, the bigger, rounder version of the basic Red Bird; completely shatters anything on its way. The other birds came in with the various seasons like the Mighty Eagle, Blu, Blu and Jewel chained together and the Orange Bird with their own strengths and special abilities.
The game was launched in a series of seasons that included the Angry Birds Classic, Angry Birds Rio (with the movie Rio-based characters and screenplay), and Angry Birds Magic (exclusively for the Nokia’s NFC-enabled Symbian devices). Rovio announces Angry Birds Space release on March 22, 2012. The game features anti-gravity shooting i.e. the birds will be launched and shot in the absence of gravity on entirely new planets leading to new game-play elements like slow-motion and lightspeed destruction. While Angry Birds Space will feature the same level rating system, NASA assistance will bring in the fun new game physics which was not felt in the earlier Angry Birds season of Rio.
And what’s more to Angry Birds, is the fact that the game is finally on Facebook with some social and competitive power-ups like sling scope, king sling, super seeds and birdquake. But the game has not actually started on the social site. Once you log into the app, you will be directed to a page which will enable you to send a Valentine ’s Day e-card either to your wall or to your friend’s wall. Just for logging in, you get free power-ups, which Rovio says that you will receive them till Feb 16.  How far will bringing the game on Facebook enhance its popularity or make it a success is still something to find out within a month or 2. 
This is Freeda Lobo and this is my first blog ever. I never knew it would be this hard to blog, in fact to know what you are going to blog about. I had to scan a number of blogs online (they were really informative); had to ask couple of my friends what do I blog about; etc. Well, yes! You guessed it right. I am not blogging out of my own free will (because I am a really lazy person) but over an assignment given to improve my writing skills. I hope this does help me out in a way.

More blogs down the line. Till then, God bless Have fun Take care :)