Sunday 27 January, 2013


Sometimes I wonder
I wonder why I cry.
Why are there thorns,
Under pretty flowers lie?

Why are there stars
And the moon so distant
Waltzing around,
In a space, never constant?

Why does a mountain slope
And a plain so straight?
Meeting one another
With every passing date.

Why do we hate,
When there's much to love?
Now that I know,
I take this vow -

I cry, therefore I laugh
I laugh, therefore I cry.
Life it will be, I apprehend
The same battle I forge till I die.

Tuesday 25 December, 2012

My 21st Birthday Gyaan

It's the time of the year I keep anticipating with every passing minute, when will the days go by; when will I hit the shops and the parlour for a makeover; when will I get all the attention and call it a day, My Day! And so, it's here! It's my Birthday - just the same feeling everyone around the world waits for, as much as you deny. And when the day nears by, you feel old. You start feeling desperate, desperate enough to try pushing it away, to another month or so, just to remain younger, to evade all the responsibilities of the world you may be burdened with. But who can stop the forces of the nature to erupt and bloom the way they should be. And then you are, suddenly, a year older, a year wiser, and a year grateful to have lived so far, a year wishful waiting more fun, more love and more of everything you ever had.
And so to sum it all up, I've come up with the 21 lessons I've learned in my life. Inspire. Influence. Illuminate.
  1. Whoever you are, whatever you may be, YOU are the most important entity ever existing, not for others but for yourself. Love yourself more than anyone else, unconditionally, dearly. You are not selfish, but confident!
  2. Live today like you'll die tomorrow. Don't wait for things to happen but make things happen. This is neither from any book nor from the Internet, rather from the heart. Because it's your heart that decides what you actually want while your head places other options, confusing you all the while.
  3. NO ONE in this world is born ugly. It's the situations they encounter in their lives that mould them to what they are. Go deep within, you'll definitely find a reason to love them. Everyone's compatible to you and vice-versa.
  4. LOVE is not a huge word, HATE is! So remember where you pronounce it.
  5. "Money may not buy you happiness, but it definitely satisfies your thirst, unquenchable by human emotions". Your parents would never have thought of the monetary benefits you would place before them someday when they conceived you. So forget about the statement above and live for humanity, rather than moneymaking!
  6. Go with the flow of nature, but once in a while STOP - TURN AROUND - WALK BACK - REBEL! Not because you are different or unique, but just for fun, damn it!
  7. PAIN KILLS PAIN - NO NEVER! Stop over-reacting, like you are the last soul who has to bear all! Start honing the more creative side of you, be it for yourself or others! Just do what you love and JUST DO IT!
  8. The more you are tempted to do something, the more you are drawn towards it! Toss a coin! You'll know what you are supposed to do. As Simple As It Should Be!
  9. The moments you laugh or the moments you cry should be termed as "MEMORIES" and nothing else. Because these are the memories that'd give you the extra dose of laughter for being stupid, crazy and madly dumb!
  10. You are a STRONG person even if you have a longer list of weaknesses; because they are only read by others to term you weak and not by yourself. So learn to metamorphose them into something stunning leaving everyone speechless.
  11. Patience! That's the word, my friend! Spell it out, loud and clear!
  12. Being pleasant is not a virtue to some idiots on earth sent to find ways to destroy every reason to your existence. Chill, you are not born to please the world! The world was created to please you!
  13. Stop regretting. Start appreciating. That's the key to life. Every decision in life teaches you something vital, and that is, to LIVE!
  14. You want to cry. You really want to cry. You really, really want to cry? Okay. Cry! It doesn't hurt - neither your eyes nor your health. Just let it go, just let it flow!
  15. You can’t, no no just CANNOT change the world. Look at you! Just a little thing and the world is such a big place serving every minute creature like you. Be what you want the world to be. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's how you bring change. That's how the world's going to be a better place to live in.
  16. The littlest trait is what surprises you the most, and that's why it brings you the most joy! It's not how you see it, but how you feel it that makes it more worthwhile.
  17. Never try your level best to gain the limelight. You are just wasting your energy over unwanted and unnecessary things that's going to do no good to you than those that you gain by staying out and creating your own limelight, away and better!
  18. It's NOW or it's NEVER. And if it's none of them, then it's FOREVER.
  19. You will be let down, always, every time. You will face a lot of defeats, always, every time. But stay focused, because that's what annoys everyone around. Be yourself, that's what irks everyone.
  20. You never HATE anyone, you just DISLIKE people, because you are either jealous of what they possess or selfish to share what you possess. It all arises out of INSECURITY!
  21. Lastly, it doesn't matter what you wear and what you don't. Without a SMILE, you are just nothing!

Start knowing yourself, that's the hardest job you could ever take up. Start loving yourself, that's the simplest gift you could give yourself. And most importantly, be aware and alert of what you do, that's how you INSPIRE INFLUENCE ILLUMINATE!

Savaged from my erstwhile blog 

Wednesday 26 September, 2012

The Seen & The Unseen, The Known & The Unknown

I've been bumping into a lot of statements that ridicule the existence of Nokia phones lately. Let it be in person or even on the Internet. All acclaims to iPhone and Android, while everyone hates and finds some way to criticise Nokia.
I agree, Nokia smartphones ain't that smart! I agree, they don't provide you with the "Awesome" apps! I agree they seem dumb and old-fashioned! I agree they don't bring you the style-quotient you appeal for!
But should we forget they existed when none of the so-called new generation phones did? What happened to all those phones they provided that seemed a luxury in your hands? Especially when you had the freedom of portability of a miniature hand-held phone, playing Snake (after Pac Man) everywhere you go! Where did all those days go when you got "connected" to people and now you want to make your life simple?
Where did all those days go when being around grandparents was a privilege to learn and experience rather than crib over their annoying old age? What happened to those old folks whose hands we held on to like a blessing rather than a curse of being the walking support? Why did we forget them in the Old-Age homes and far away lands when, we, the so-called new generation, don't appreciate what they've left behind after years of toil and sweat?
I've never seen my grandparents, never been with them! I don't know how it is to be around them, either. All I know is they were some beautiful set of people God created. They are one big reason I exist. I try finding them in the stars and I know they look down upon me from heavens above. They know me ever since I took the shape of existence. I owe them my life, I owe them my all!
Even if I use a Nokia phone I don't crib over its inefficiencies because it's at least taught me to respect my elders, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown!

Sunday 26 August, 2012

Sparkling Rays - A Sequel to Starry Night

Shower of sparkling rays
On my dreamy face
Tear-smudged, messy hair
Wishing you were there.

Lost in your embrace
Bewildered by your gaze
Dumb-struck I stand
When I feel you by my hand.

Do I laugh? Do I cry?
Seeing you sitting by
Pinching myself to believe
Till I can relieve.

Starry nights without you
Now I breathe all new
The shower of sparkling rays
Amazing me through the haze!

Wednesday 22 August, 2012

Starry Night

All alone on a starry night, was I
Not like I had none before
Longing for your arms around, was I
Waiting for you at the door.

My heart said it was hard
To learn that you left me
And then fell apart
Broken in anguish to be.

Love, it was, never a joke
Being with you was better than dope
Now I'm made to carry this yoke
All in vain and no hope.

All alone on a starry night, again
I stand - wiping my tears - bold
Your love shall I never regain
Your hands shall I never hold.

Sunday 5 August, 2012

Like I Care - Angels and DEVILS

There are times when you are really confused over a lot of issues in life where you have no idea what you might stumble on. And to add to the misery, there are a lot of unwanted but overly-attached people in your lives who insist you do things their way. Not all are wrong, but most of them get irritated when you don't take up quick decisions. Now the suggestions may not be that appealing to you, thus obstructing the people who selflessly overload you with them. That's when you get paranoid and stop trusting everyone around you. You build a huge concrete wall, with no doors, not letting anyone new get in and not letting anyone escape it, too.

I found myself there, in that position, struggling to breathe, running away from everyone I knew, just because I was scared to be used, ditched and thrown away into the remotest social garbage dump, never to be found again. Then came a friend (I prefer to keep the name as Agent X), who insisted I push myself into the crowd, not bothering whatever people have to say. It did take time, but it was worth the try. Now Agent X is one person I turn to whenever I need to be annoyed and irked (yes, I said that, from the bottom of my heart) and of course, to be there to advise me for all my crazy problems.

Now I notice, Agent X is not the only person in my life, there are a hell lot of beautiful people in my life I know who love me for the way I am, who can do anything to make me smile and, most importantly, are the cutest angels in guise of devils. I may not have time for you now, but that wouldn't mean I don't remember you anymore. I'm not saturated, yet. Keep inspiring me in whatever you do. Make your presence felt in my life. I love you as you are - strange, weird, loving, affectionate, wonderful, amazing, betraying, quiet, reserved, but the best of all, as crazy as I am.

Happy Friendship's Day to all the angels and demons in my life. Whatever you do, I do CARE!! 

Friday 6 July, 2012

My Heart

You are there

Around the corner

Peeping through bars

Crying for your freedom

Right under the bulb half alive

Between two old pink turned grey sacs of dust

Above a lavish bag of filth

You ask for more, though

Around the corner

Where you are

Smallest of all.